Community food growers meeting at Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Are you interested in urban food growing, as an individual or part of a community group?

On the 16th January Big Dig Brum is holding a meeting at Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

As well as an opportunity to meet new groups, gather contacts and get ideas, the meeting will also include short presentations by local author and gardening journalist Alys Fowler and Mike Hardman (Birmingham City University) on the need, importance and context of growing food in Birmingham.

The meeting has a number of aims:

  • To get together as many groups and individuals as possible who are interested in community growing in Birmingham
  • To provide networking opportunities between those groups and individuals
  • To set the context of urban food growing in the city and to learn from others
  • As part of Birmingham’s Participation in The Big Dig, to discover what individuals and groups want in terms of support, events and practical training over the next 12 months and beyond.

If you are an allotment group, a friends of parks group, a community allotment or grow site, or simply an individual wanting to get involved or start something new, then this is the meeting you can’t miss.


Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Westbourne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. B15 3TR.

Start: 7.00pm

Directions to the Botanic Gardens.

For further information please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you there on the 16th January for what promises to be a valuable and interesting evening of debate, ideas and discussion.

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